We are beginning a brand new year for Pioneer! We have put together an excellent staff of teachers, an awesome production giving us a new sound, and a new opportunity to move up the competitive ladder in DCI. It all begins next week at our first rehearsal camp, Camp 1


January 12 – 13 – 14

Forget Not! 1) Pioneer Emergency Contact While Traveling = 414-333-2235

Forget Not! 2) Bring a Warm Jacket! It is bitter cold here. Just a sweat shirt is not enough!

Forget Not! 3) Plan NOT to arrive at camp before 7:00 pm. Many activities will be going on at the school before that, and the parking lot & main entrance will be used by the students’ parents before 7:00. . You will be getting a corps snack at 12:00 am. If you wait until then, you will be very hungry! There are many fast food restaurants close to the western tip of the airport (only a couple of minutes away from camp) that might be a good idea for you to go to before camp!

Forget Not! 4) We will be attending a church service on Sunday morning. Wearing “classy” good apparel reflects the corps’ image and your Pioneer Pride!

Forget Not! 5) Don’t forget to bring along some of the left over money that you got for Christmas. We will have Pioneer Gear (shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, caps, etc.) available for you to purchase. Mr. Williams, our Souvenir Manager, will be at camp all weekend with a full array of items to show your Pioneer Pride.

Brass Players: Forget Not! To bring your mouth piece with you. If you have none, we might be able to take care of you. Low brass, our instruments use large shank mouthpieces.

Brass Players: Forget Not! To bring valve oil if you have it.

Percussionists: Forget Not! To bring your own sticks/mallets with you to camp.

Percussionists: Forget Not! To bring a practice pad with you if you have one.

Everyone: Forget Not! To bring comfortable loose clothing to march in including tennis shoes. Do not march in jeans! That can be painful!

Forget Not! To say thank you to Roman Jr. who gave 4 days of time to represent Pioneer at the DCI Convention in Indianapolis. Drum Major Jackie Hirn and Guard Sergeant Ally Farrand spent 2 days at DCI’s Drum Majors’ Leadership Seminar. Our Visual Caption Head, Josh Pier was in attendance at the DCI Judging/Instructors’ Conference. And our Electronic Specialist, Robert McCowan, also attended the DCI Instructors’ Conference. All of members of our Pioneer Family gave travel time, as well as their personal time, giving our Pioneer Corps noticeable presence at the 2018 DCI Congress. We thank them all for their “classy” gesture in showing their Pioneer Pride.

Save $$$! We recommend that you DO NOT use PAY PAL to pay for your camp fees or tour fees! They charge an extra amount for you to use their service. So if you are a first year member, your $85.00 camp fee becomes $87.85. If you are a vet, your $60.00 camp fee becomes $62.10. Please remember that. If you paid your entire $2,900.00 Tour Fee in full, it would become: $2,986.92. If you use a credit card for either the camp fee or tour fee payments, the service fee is a flat $3.00 that you would add to your payment. NO EXTRA FEE if you bring a check or cash!

Plan on: Working hard, having a great time with great people, a great staff, great food, great new music,and a great new beginning of Pioneer 2018…Year of the Dragon!

Roman Blenski
Pioneer Corps Director