Good Morning…Good Morning…and How Do You Do!
The group photos taken by Jolesch Photography are included on this page. Known for their great framing and color, they have been taking pictures of Pioneer for years. They can be ordered including your personal photo by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Check out their great offers for the group pictures with your personal action shot on the same frame. Thanks to Mr. Mark Jolesch & team for all of your kindness and efforts to enhance our corps!
These shamrock necklaces with your member numbers can be ordered from Ms Christina Ballengee # 2231 by visiting:
This meeting will take place at PIONEERLAND on OCTOBER 20th at 1:00 pm. The agenda will be our current direction, 2019 season, and most importantly, your questions and answers. For our version of Pioneer Octoberfest, you will be treated to authentic German Usinger Bratwursts and soda starting at Noon. Come and meet old friends and take part in looking at Pioneer’s future.
Once again we have lent our snare drums to Milwaukee’s Humbolt Park Middle School. The students are led and taught by Pioneer Alumnus Dennis Newman # 234.
Our Front Ensemble rack, a marimba, and our tenor drums are being used by Sussex Hamilton High School. They are being instructed by our Caption Head, Josh Pier and Roman Blenski III #701. The electronics are being set up by Alex Sylvester # 2429 and Rob McCowen #2426.
$$$ HELLO! $$$
Those members who are on the payment plan, and those who wanted extra time to finish paying their summer fees, Mr. Eric Haelman says that it’s time to pay NOW..36 days since the end of the season. Send all or part of it now!
Baritone player Jessie Reyes # 666, has contacted our office to be of help with our challenges. He lives in Franklin, Wisconsin and will be with us at our October 20th Alumni Meeting. He was a hard-working member of our corps in the 1960’s and early ‘70’s.
No I did not forget our Color Guard in the banquet reports. All 20 of them were superb this past summer. They were led by 6-year vet Ally Farrand #2300. The guard had a remarkable attendance record and was the strongest section next to our amazing cymbal line. Caption Head, JaMalh’ Wallace, Kelsey Arnony #2166, Lisa Janasik ##1881, and Jamison Washington presented the awards. It was especially noticed how well-dressed everyone was for the semi-formal occasion.
Alayna Bryant #2726 won the best flag award by the member vote, staff attitude and staff ability captions. This was Alayna’s first season.
Kodi Mink #2670, won the best rifle award by also taking the lead in voting by the members, staff ability, and staff attitude.
Grace McCoy #2675 was the best saber, winning the same 3 captions. There were so many talented people in the color guard area! Grace was also the 2nd runner up for Rookie of the Year.
Down a Bit,
“Better Every Day”
Garry Owen