On an impulse, I quickly called a bunch of Pioneer (Imperials of St. Patrick’s) Corps people and said, “Let’s do lunch on St. Patrick’s Day at 1pm ay Meyer’s Restaurant. First of all, I would like to apologize to those who missed not having their phone numbers at my fingertips, to everyone living in Milwaukee. We all had a great Irish meal of corned beef or Shepard’s pie, true to our Irish tradition. But I was shocked! They all matured! Some had gray hair, some put on a few pounds, some were walking with canes, and some had retired from their jobs. No way these “kids” ready to do a parade! It was great to see former Corps Director Sandy Ramos (#406), our first Soprano player, Barbara Momarerts (#115). The longest still involved with the corps Kathy “Kazoo” (Kozewski), Andrea (#112), and Bill Nylund (#159) Drum Major Barbara (Folaron) Syzmanski (#190 “and staffer Henry”, our star soloist, Nancy Lee Goss (#342), soprano Diana “Smoky” Kupinski (#214), and Jesse Reyes #666” who all attended this quickly organized Irish Party on such short notice. They were our foundation who were happy to get-together and enjoyed the “togetherness and friendship we shared” and still do…. |
Well, it’s a new name for what we used to call Indoor Small Corps years ago. The big difference is that any instrument can be used, and let your imagination go, such as say members playing on wood blocks or garbage can covers. Yes, even color guard equipment. It has a minimum of 10 performers And 1 director of any age. It takes place indoors in a gymnasium with a tarp area of 60’ by 90’. That is the same size that both winter guard and winter drumline contests use to perform on. The performances have a 4 minute minimum and a 6-7-8 maximum depending on the class entered. This brain-child of WGI is highly successful and was growing until the pandemic hit. But once it starts up again, it could steal the spotlight from the other musical youth groups….. Stay tuned to watch for our program building this up for Pioneer…. |
Despite the law that limits the number of people attending at the Senior Center being 125, we continue to succeed on reaching that number most of the time or might have a few less of that maximum. White it’s not as profitable as using the entire hall’s capacity our profits are paying the electric, telephone, insurance, snow plowing, and utility taxes. This still makes us able to build up a small balance for our upcoming “Winds Corps” Since the Wednesday Evening Lion’s Club’s Bingo continued to be inactive until April 1st, we moved our Wednesday Bingo back to the Senior Center. WOW! It’s very successful! This allows us to fill the hall with 125 members. We added another 50/50 game and started an Attendance Prize. This lady plays 43 faces at one time..... No doubt she’s a professional stakes player. Did you know that Pioneer was the second official licensed group in the State of Wisconsin to certify us to operate Bingo? |
With all of our frustrations today, it seems that we blame the virus. Lett’s add our Email – St. Patrick’s Day Parade turn-out to our list. We had 2 Baritone players, 2 Drum Majors (both of whom played Mellophone), 2 Bus Drivers, and 1 Flag sign up. For sure, it made a thin impact along a parade route. But being “Better Every Day” isn’t always convenient 2021 VIRTUAL PARADE ROSTER: |
Things are quiet, both for the corps vehicles, the charter company, and the wedding trolley….. The virus continues to hold down groups wanting to go places. Keeping the batteries charged, and the snow removed is all that is happening. |
We have purchased an upgrade to keep our football fields trimmed and ready for some action. We went to the John Deere Store and purchased a John Deere tractor with a 48” cutting base. It joins the much smaller Troy lawnmower donated by RBJ. We had lots of belt replacement problems and it took a ton of time to mow the fields because it had a very small cutting base. While before the virus, the soccer team cut the grass. They being inactive the work is now being done by Murray, RBJ, and RB. It will be much quicker with the John Deere and look even better. The only use of the field last year was from the police dog training. With no marching or soccer playing, the grass has thickened and especially, field #3 is filling in. The True Green Lawn Service takes care of lawn growth, weed & feed, etc. four times a year on all of our fields. This also encourages the growth and appearance. |
The first contest we wore our new jackets in Burlington, WI. They were designed by our drum major Larry Madrano. They were a brilliant yellow with white trim, white hat, pants, shoes, “Pioneer Goes Broadway”. Larry was an excellent artist and probably one of the most exciting drum majors when they were part of the show. His decision was influenced by the Bridgemen Corps out East. It was an evening show and we unloaded the boxes from Osterwald Uniform Company. Since the company measured each member, we didn’t expect too much fitting problems, but we were wrong! However, the corps was highly motivated and did an outstanding performance. But an effort to surprise and get the right fit was a challenge for many days afterwards. |
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Under the direction of Mr. Ken Norman will be rehearsing at Pioneerland on Sunday, August 1st. More details to come. Mr. Norman has extended an invitation to all Pioneer Alumni who would like to be involved. It sounds like a great opportunity to do “Corps” once again! Call Ken at 262-886-3447. |
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RB’s Food For Thought: “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” |
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On Saturday, October 20th, several dozen alumni and supporters gathered at Pioneerland to discuss the current status and future plans for the Pioneer Drum & Bugle Corps & Color Guard, Inc.
After a brief introduction by Timothy Osterbeck (Member #1145), the meeting was turned over to the interim CEO, William Strube (Member #284). Strube discussed at length the corps current status with Drum Corps International.
As was previously reported, Pioneer was suspended from all DCI activities indefinitely on August 16th, 2018. The action by DCI came in response to concerns raised by Pioneer members and staff that the corps was unable to maintain acceptable standards of health and safety for all participants, as required by the DCI Community Code of Conduct and Ethics Guidelines. After considering multiple factors, DCI later determined that the Pioneer would not participate in the 2019 DCI Summer Tour. That continues to hold true, and efforts are currently focused on the corps returning to the competitive field for the 2020 DCI Summer Tour.
In order to participate in the 2020 DCI Summer Tour, DCI provided Pioneer with a set of six conditions that must be met in order for the corps to be considered for reinstatement. Plans to meet these conditions must be presented to DCI for review no later than November 15th in order for the corps to be considered for reinstatement.
While many of these areas are still a work in progress, Strube outlined the general requirements of each condition, and the progress made towards meeting/exceeding each condition.
The Pioneer Organization and I are very pleased to announce the members of the "interim" Board of Directors:
♣ | Dr. Cecil Austin; PhD in Education, school administrator, served on several boards, drum corps judge, brass instructor for Imperials of St. Patrick and Pioneer. |
♣ | Dave Campbell; B.S. in Music Education, Music teacher, served on several boards, drum corps judge, former corps director of several units, and current program coordinator for Pioneer. |
♣ | Larry Case; manager in health insurance and educational development, visual caption head and designer, drum corps judge, director of and a Hall of Fame member of Central States Judges Association, and proud Pioneer alumni parent. |
♣ | Jennifer J. Collins; Attorney at Law, Member, State Bar of Wisconsin's Public Education Committee, Pro Bono Honor Society, and a Pioneer Alumni #1117. |
♣ | Albert Dobyns; BA., advertising, marketing and public relations, member of collegiate chapter’s board, and a Pioneer alumni #1171. |
♣ | Renee Erickson; M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, school administrator, advisory board member, treasurer for a condominium association board, and a Pioneer alumni #1287. |
♣ | Lisa Janasik; B.A. in cross-cultural expressive arts, retail business owner, university judicial board, and a Pioneer alumni #1881. |
♣ | John Noonan; businessman in the insurance industry, board member with The Cavaliers, and a proud Pioneer alumni parent. |
♣ | Timothy Osterbeck; manager, human resources, purchasing agent, and small business entrepreneur- website design firm, and a Pioneer alumni #1145. |
♣ | Ron Ruggles; former pastor, served on several boards, chief drum corps judge, and a proud Pioneer alumni parent. |
♣ | Steve Vickers; B.S. in Journalism, publisher of Drum Corps World, board member of Forward Performing Arts, Inc., sponsors of the Madison Scouts. |
The interim Board will be working closely with the Pioneer Corporation as we explore the future of Pioneer. Our primary goal is to maintain World Class status and the corps' membership in Drum Corps International.
If you are interested in assisting our team with this project, please respond by completing the VOLUNTEER APPLICATION found under the Contribute tab on the Pioneer website.
Thank you.
William Strube #284
On Friday, September 7th, I was appointed interim (temporary) CEO of the Board. My appointment was based on past experiences with; assessing schools as an Accreditation Team Chairman for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, leading three schools as a Principal, serving on two Boards as President of the Wisconsin Edge Precision Figure Skating Teams and President of the Woodland Pines condominium association, and my experience as a former Corps Director for Pioneer Drum & Bugle Corps.
Over the next few months the interim Board will be working closely with the Pioneer Corporation as we explore the future of Pioneer. Our primary goal is to maintain World Class status and membership in Drum Corps International. My challenge is to quickly assemble a highly qualified team that will meet all the Drum Corps International "Suspension Reinstatement Terms" by developing comprehensive policies and procedures specific to the criteria set forth by their Executive Director. We will be forming committees to assist in this process. Time is short. Pioneer must submit our plan by November 15, 2018 for approval.
The past several days have been spent enhancing the team with individuals who possess the qualifications we seek. Once we recruit a few more Board members I will share their names and experiences. Yes, there is alumni representation other than myself, and there will be frequent updates on our progress.
If you are interested in assisting us with this project, please respond by completing the VOLUNTEER APPLICATION found under the Contribute tab on the Pioneer website. Try to remember it's been less than a week since we started. Please be patient.
Thank you.
William Strube #284
Recently, on social media and in the news, special attention is being paid to Drum Corps in general and certain Corps specifically. Pioneer is one of the Corps that is receiving special consideration. While we might disagree on the accuracy of all the comments, depictions and rhetoric, some of what has been described is true. For those particular situations, we hope you can accept our sincerest apologies.
In response to these recent events, DCI has chosen to suspend Pioneer from the activity pending a comprehensive investigation. In addition, we have launched our own re-evaluation of current policies and procedures to determine areas for improvement. Once we’ve identified those opportunities, we will develop an action plan to make the appropriate changes.
While not everything during a season, regardless the Corps, always goes as planned; there are two things Pioneer has never struggled with and continues to offer to our staff and members. Things uniquely ours compared to the rest of the Drum Corps world. Pioneer is one of the very few “teaching” Corps for inexperienced and/or new musicians. Each and every one of us does their part to contribute to the success of each other no matter the skill level when joining the Corps. Which is a perfect segue to the second unique trait of Pioneer…Family. Pioneer accepts everyone for who they are and welcomes them into the Pioneer family. Whether it is a staff person or member, once you join - you’re family. And yes, that means occasionally disagreeing like family too.
In closing, all of us here at Pioneer want to thank you - our many supporters - and those whom have shared and continue to share concerns and suggestions to help Pioneer make improvements to the program and alert us to challenges.
Working to Be…Better Every Day!
Roman Blenski